Main(string[] args){ }
Type:Console.Writeline("Hello World");
Writeline("Hello World")
----> Just like the MessageBox which we looked at in the aprentice c# course, the writeline method takes a string or character as parameter and displays it on the console application. Console.ReadLine();
----> The readline method is used to tell the console application that there is a line that it should read before exiting. int number = 1;
switch (number)
case 2:
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("Neither 1 nor 2");
switch (number)
----> The switch keyword is followed by the value to be evaluated enclosed in 2:
----> in case the variable "number"'s value is 2 then write 2 on the console.break;
----> The break keyword is utilize to end the switch statement in case the value evaluates to true.default:
-----> the default keyword represent the statement to executes if all other statements enclosed by switch keyword evaluates to 3:
case 5:
Console.WriteLine("3 or 5");
int value =2;
Console.WriteLine(value == 2 ? "The value is 2" : "The value is 1");
value == 2 ? "The value is 2"
----> if the value is 2 then output "The value is unknown" : "The value is unknown"
----> the : keyword is used to add to dafault output which would occur in case the condition is not[] myArray = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
----> The square brackets [] tells the system that we are declaring an
----> The new keyword is specified to ensure that each value of the array has its own new index to which we can point to once the value is[5]
----> The size of the array is 5; thus it can only contain 5 digits and not 5 strings since the array's datatype has been declared as int.Console.Writeline(myArray[1].ToString());
----> the array's name is followed by square brackets [ ] in which the value's index is specified.List<int> myList = new List<int>();
----> the <> sign needs to be specified to tell the system that we are using a list.()
----> the list can take no parameter.myList.Add(1);
---->The Add method is used to add a new value to the list, notice that the method takes the value to be added as parameter.Console.WriteLine(myList[0]);
----> Just like the array the list's value can be accessed using its index.Dictionary<string, string> myDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
<string, string>
----> the dictionary takes 2 datatypes; the first one is for the index. Can you guess what the second one is used for? :)myDictionary.Add("P@ssOrd007", "Important information");
.Add("P@ssOrd007", "Important information")
----> The dictionary requires an index value and a value for your content which the index can point to.Console.WriteLine(myDictionary["P@ssOrd007"]);
----> The dictionary's values can be accessed using specified[] myArray = new int[5] {1,2,3,4,5};
foreach(int item in myArray)
foreach(int item in myArray)
----> the foreach keyword is followed by the data type of the array those values we want to access.(int item in myArray)
----> Notice that the statement following the foreach keyword is enclosed in parenthesis ().item in myArray
----> the in keyword is followed by name of the array that we want to access. (the values are in the array).{ Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); }
----> The statement to execute for each value in the array is enclosed in curly brackets.item
----> we no longer need to specify the values' index to access them since we are using the foreach loop.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Day.ToString());
----> Returns the current date when it is executed.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString());
-----> Returns the current date/month/year and time. For example: 1/14/2016 8:27:13 PM.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.MaxValue.ToString());
----> Takes you to the future. ;)Console.WriteLine(DateTime.MinValue.ToString());
----> Takes you to the past.Random objRandom = new Random();
Console.WriteLine(objRandom.Next(1, 10));
Random objRandom = new Random();
----> To use the methods present in the Random class; instantiation of a object is required.objRandom.
----> we access the Random class methods using the instantiated object name followed by the . sign.objRandom.Next(1, 10)
----> the Next method requires 2 integer values to be used as a range for random values to be generated.Console.WriteLine("Channel R".Substring(8,1));
"Channel R".Substring
----> Notice that the to access the Substring method we need specify a string of characters enclosed in double quotes " ". (8,1)
The Substring method takes 2 integer values as parameters, the 1st one parameter is used to indicate where you want to start cropping your string from.public static void myMethod(string firstName, string lastName = "Unknown")
Console.WriteLine("First Name = {0}, Last Name = {1}", firstName, lastName);
(string firstName, string lastName = "Unknown")
----> Notice that the default parameter needs to be after the non-default parameter "firstName". ("First Name = {0}, Last Name = {1}", firstName, lastName);
----> the {0} curly brackets containning a digit such as 0 indicates the order in which values from variables will be displayed.myMethod("Tom");
3. Execute the application.
class ClNumber
int number;
public int Number
return number;
number = value;
public int Number
----> Notice that a property has no return type.get { return number; }
----> provides external reading access to the number variable through the property.set { number = value; }
----> allow overwriting the number variable 's value through the property.ClNumber objNumber = new ClNumber();
objNumber.Number = 1;
----> Once the class clNumber's object has been instantiated, just use the class object name followed by .PropertyName to get read/write its value.Console.WriteLine(objNumber.Number);
struct myStruct
public int ID;
public string Name;
myStruct objMyStruct;
myStruct objMyStruct;
----> Notice that the "new" keyword is not used which is required when using classes. This because the struct is used as a value type, for instance as a string. objMyStruct.ID = 1;
objMyStruct.Name = "James Bond";
----> Accessing the field within a struct is similar to accessing a class fields.